Hi there,

My name is David.

Truck driver and passionate entrepreneur living in California, USA.

About Me

Truck driver and passionate entrepreneur living in California, USA.

Bacon ipsum dolor amet tri-tip sirloin alcatra filet mignon bresaola beef ribs. Alcatra burgdoggen fatback picanha. Beef porchetta pork chop ball tip, boudin shankle beef ribs salami corned beef tri-tip jowl flank cow venison. Frankfurter pastrami t-bone, short ribs andouille pancetta doner tongue ham tenderloin spare ribs drumstick alcatra beef pork. Ham hock pork doner short loin shank swine biltong corned beef boudin drumstick ball tip venison fatback. Turducken tail sirloin short ribs jerky bacon salami tongue hamburger tenderloin alcatra flank cow.


Combination of Skill & Experience


  • CDL Training

    160 Driving Academy
    May. 2023 - Jul. 2023

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  • General Education

    Insight Schools of California
    Jan. 2013 - Jan. 2018

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  • Professional Driver

    Melton Truck Lines
    Oct. 2023 - present

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  • Shift Leader

    Love's Travel Stops
    Aug. 2021 - Oct. 2023

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  • Assistant Manager

    Family Dollar
    May. 2020 - Aug. 2021

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  • Customer Service

    Feb. 2019 - Jun. 2019

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  • Customer Service

    Sep. 2017 - Jun. 2019

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Personal Skills

Time Management90%

Projects and cool things